Dr Peter Richard-Herbert is a registered counsellor, consultant analytical psychotherapist, clinical hypnotherapist and psychoanalyst. He is unique, in that he uses each of these areas selectively when working with a client to offer a more rounded and effective therapy.

- Australia wide radio (5 stations) and general press.
- As guest consultant on ABC ‘The Nightlife’ radio answering listeners questions about Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy.
- Sought as authority on “Sickie Syndrome” in Australia’s workforce.
- HQ Magazine Consultant on stories about relationships, ‘Gym Junkies’ & ‘Harbour Bridge phobia’.
- Get It Magazine Consultant for feature on Confidence. ‘Master the Art of Confidence’ – March 2012
- Today Show (Morning Television)
- Consultant/guest on program ‘Our House’ on the psychological effect of renovations.
- Good Morning Australia (Morning Television) regularly interviewed along with Dr Kerryn Phelps regarding phobias, obsessive compulsive behaviour and computer addiction.
Professional Doctorate – Higher Research Degree – Psychology– at CQU (Australia)
M.A. Psychology – Narrative Therapy Counselling – (UWS)
Grad. Dipl mediation – Family Disputes Resolution – (Bond)
Grad. Cert. Applied Coaching (ACAP)
Dip. Psych (UK)
Dipl Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy (UK)
Dip. Clinical Hypnosis (Australia)
Cert IV – Training & Assessment
Association Memberships:
P.A.C.F.A – Psychotherapy & Counselling Federation of Australia – Clinical Member
A.C.A. – Australian Counselling Association –Clinical Member
A.E.S.T.A – Australasian Ego State Therapy Association – National President
E.S.T.I – Ego State Therapy International –Chair – Australian Board Representative
I.S.H –International Society Hypnosis – Clinical Member
N.C.P (UK) National Council of Psychotherapists – Fellow and Clinical Member
A.H.A.(NSW) Australian Hypnotherapists Association – Fellow and former NSW President
Resolution Institute, formerly L.E.D.R (Australia)– Professional Member
Registered Supervisor – Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA);
Australian Counselling Association (ACA); Australian Hypnotherapists Association (AHA);
Australasian Ego State therapy Association (AESTA); Ego State Therapy International (ESTI).
• Behavioural Psychotherapy Techniques (under Dr Victor Meyer at St Lukes Hospital, London.)
• Studied Anatomy, Physiology and Medical Terminology at Sydney Hospital
• Studied Behavioural Psychology at Sydney University
• Trained with The Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists for 2 years (member 12 yrs)
• Studied Solution Orientated Hypnosis with Bill O’Hanlon (student of Dr Milton Erickson)
• Studied Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) with Greg Sorrell at Westmead (NSW)
• Studied Ego State Therapy (with Prof. Gordon Emmerson)
• Qualified Trainer of Ego State Therapy
• Qualified Registered Therapist Supervisor – P.A.C.F.A; A.C.A; A.H.A; A.E.S.T.A; E.S.T.I.
• Registered WORKCOVER Counsellor – (A.P.S trained, SIRA registered)
• Studied Advanced Clinical Resource Therapy (Ego State) with Prof Gordon Emmerson
• Qualified Trainer of Resource Therapy
• Aust Govt Accredited (by Attorney General’s Dept) as a Family Disputes Resolution Mediator
• Attained Cert IV in Training and Assessment
Other: Current certificates in: First Aid; Police Check; Working with Children.
1980: Hypnotherapy and stress control. (part-time practice in London)
- 13 years full-time private practice in psychotherapy at the Mosman White House Medical Centre providing counselling, psychotherapy and hypnotherapy.
- 2 years as Group Leader at Pallister House, Greenwich Hospital, with NSW Dept of Health teaching stress control, assertiveness training and communication.
- Also conducting evening courses at local Medical Centres and The Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney.
- Conducted evening courses on stress control and life coping skills at Kirribilli Neighbourhood Centre (6 years) and Mosman “The Cottage” (1 year)
- Commissioned to produce a Sales Inventory Profile (S.I.P Test) for a large Real Estate company as a psychometric test for the selection of natural sales types – (3 years research & testing) TRADEMARK HOLDER – SIP™
- Conducted Corporate Sales training and seminars
- Conducted teams/ leadership training and motivational seminars
- Private practice in psychotherapy at Willoughby. Including Key Personnel training and Directorial Strategies Enhancement. Goal attainment and Unresolved Issues Therapy.
- Corporate profiler and consultant on strategic issues at Board Room level.
- Specialist consultant to the pharmaceutical industry in areas of career profiling and succession management planning, sexual harassment evaluation and variables relating to culture, assertiveness training and workplace bullying awareness.
- Teamed with composer musician Colin Berwick to establish Audio Therapy and developed a range of Guided Self Hypnosis CDs aimed at helping the wider public to achieve maximum potential as individuals, in areas including work, relationships, health or emotions. Visit: www.audiotherapy.com.au
- Set up the Australasian Ego State Therapy Association (A.E.S.T.A.) along with renowned Ego State Therapy exponent Professor Gordon Emmerson.
- Becomes NSW (SEO) President of The Australian Hypnotherapy Association (A.H.A)
- Set up ‘Confidence Australia’ offering professional courses to practicing Counsellors, Psychotherapists, Psychologists and Hypnotherapists in Sydney.
- Presented a seminar and workshop at the World Congress for Ego State Therapy in Heidelberg, Germany. Nov 2011.
- Becomes a Fellow of the National Council of Psychotherapists (UK).
- Qualified as Therapist Supervisor – A.H.A
- Workshop Presenter for the PDP (Professional Development People) courses for therapy professionals
- Presented new therapy seminar at the International Congress of Hypnosis in Bremen, Germany Oct 2012.
- Becomes National President of The Australasian Ego State Therapy Association (AESTA)
- Relocated professional practice to Macquarie St, Sydney CBD. Macquarie Street Therapy.
- Opens additional practice in Bowral, Southern Highlands, NSW. Macquarie Street Therapy – Bowral Rooms.
- Presented MSI ‘Building Resilience’ seminar at the European Society of Hypnosis (ESH) XIII European Congress in Sorrento, Italy 2014.
- Extends his Ego State Therapy qualifications and becomes a trainer of Resource Therapy: www.resourcetherapyaustralia.com.au
- Presented MSI ‘Dealing with Therapeutic Resistance in Patients’ seminar at the Parts Therapy Congress in Heidelberg, Germany 2015. Also presented a workshop titled ‘ The eight pathologies of Resource Therapy’, a Professor Emmerson Ego State Therapy technique.
- Presents a workshop on MSI to members of Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CAPA) in Sydney 2015.
- Becomes a member of Resolution Institute (NMAS), offering divorce and relationship mediation as an (Attorney General) registered Family Disputes Resolution Mediator.
- Opens Highlands Therapy and Life Coaching, in Bowral, offering Life Coaching advice, schedules and assistance. www.highlandstherapy.com.au
- Specialises in Stress alleviation with individual and group sessions as The Stress Doctor.
- Presents workshops on Ego State Analysis and MSI, both therapies developed by Dr Richard-Herbert, at the World Congress of Medical and Clinical Hypnosis, Montreal, Canada in 2018.
- As a Government Attorneys General Department approved Family Disputes Mediator, presents a workshop at the National Mediation Conference, Canberra 2019- Workshop title: Analytical Interviewing, a method of moving through blocked stages of Family Disputes Resolution.
- Presents two Workshops at The 6th Asia Pacific Rim Confederation Conference, Brisbane 2019. ‘Ego State Analysis – Back to the Future, an advanced style of Ego State Therapy authored and developed by Dr Peter Richard-Herbert and researched by his Doctoral Thesis (CQU). Also presenting a paper on Analytical Counselling, a method of moving through blocked stages in counselling, producing an outcome of Stress Reduction.
- Senior Lecturer in Counselling at the Australian College of Applied Professionals (ACAP), Sydney Campus. Also Lecturer in Supervision to Therapists in Placement.
- Presents workshop at the ACA Annual Conference in Sydney, Oct 2023.
Workshop topic: Metaphoric Symbolised Imagery (MSI), as remedial part of Behavioural State Analysis, an original composite personality theory grounded in parts theory and Dr Peter Richard-Herbert’s Doctoral research.
- Senior Lecturer in Counselling at Australian College of Applied Professionals (ACAP), Sydney Campus.
- Over 38 years full time practice in psychotherapy at Mosman White House Medical Centre and later at Willoughby North Shore Therapy Centre. Then at Macquarie Street Sydney, North Sydney and Bowral NSW. This amounts to over 60,000 face-to-face hours in counselling with clients and patients.
- Board Member – “Get Around It” community project. The project aim is to set up a counselling paradigm in schools and other local groups to deliver counselling help for young people and school aged youth with mental health issues in the Southern Highlands (NSW).
- Consultant to SSB Advertising Agency – colour effects on emotions and unconscious user friendly layout of a new magazine to be “psych safe”
- Consultant to a board member of top Sydney Firm of Solicitors re internal communication and power-play reduction
- Consultant and co-designer, in conjunction with Laser Concepts interactive computer development of the NAB Flexiteller, utilising user friendly response with psychological use of colour, characterisation and symbols to soften the impact of computer teller introduction on ATM users in Australia.
- Consultant to the Australian Army psych unit re stress control for soldiers.
- Lectured “new reader“ QC’s at Sydney Law Society on relationships, people skills and stress reduction.
- Personal psychological and motivational trainer to Troy Waters (Australia’s World Welter Weight contender) prior to his 1995 World Title Fight (Australia vs USA). Specialising in peak performance enhancement and goal achievement.
- Consulted to Elders Real Estate to assess effectiveness of sales staff and develop an accurate means of pre-selection of sales personnel. Developed The “Sales Inventory Profile” (S.I.P)™ test after 3 years of research and testing.
- Trained staff at Holt Public Relations and Clemenger Advertising on stress reduction, staff interaction, and team building
- Trained staff of Huxley Homes and Hexel Pharmaceuticals in sales techniques, communication skills, coping effectively with customers and staff interaction.
- Presented seminar workshop at The Australian Hand Therapy Assoc National Congress in Sydney 2011) ” The Role of Hypnotherapy in Pain Management”
- Presented a workshop, at the World Congress of Ego State Therapy in Heidelberg, Germany 2011, on the use of Ego State Therapy in the development of a preselective personality test pinpointing naturally service-orientated people.
- Presented a workshop at The World Hypnosis Congress in Bremen Germany in October 2012 on self devised theory of Metaphoric Symbolised Imagery (MSI)™.
- National President of AESTA, (The Australasian Ego State Therapy Association) and representative to ESTI (Ego State Therapy International)
- Symposium speaker and workshop presenter at European Society of Hypnosis (ESH) XIII International Congress in Sorrento, Italy 2014.
- Releases academic paper on “Metaphoric Symbolised Imagery” (MSI)™ a rapid change, therapeutic technique grounded in neuroscience and Advanced Ego State Therapy.
- Presented workshops at The Parts Therapy Congress in Heidelberg, Germany 2015, on ‘Dealing with Therapeutic Resistance in Patients’ (MSI)™ therapy new technique, The Soul Train.
- Presented workshops at The World Congress of medical and Clinical Hypnosis, Montreal, Canada 2018, on MSI and Ego State Analysis. Both therapies developed by Dr Richard-Herbert.
- Becomes a board member of “Get Around It”, a Mental Health Initiative offering structured help for troubled youth and school aged youth in regional areas.